As you can see in the title it says sniper rifle guide V 2.0. It is my second guide to the sniper rifle. The reason for that is, that I was quiet disappointed in my last guide. I didn't go over everything about the sniper rifle. So without further to do here is my improved sniper rifle guide. The sniper rifle is one of the most power full weapons in halo reach. It doesn't deal as much damage as some other weapons, but with that said I would still take this weapon over any other weapon. Most of the time in matchmaking, the sniper rifle has 8 additional rounds in it, the clip has 4 bullets in it. It takes two body shots to take down one Spartan, or just one head shot. The bullets left in your clip is displayed to the left of your screen when you are zoomed. This is also a good weapon for talking out an enemy vehicle, believe it or not! To take out a Scorpion tank just shoot the hatch twice, and then it will pop off and a nice little head is sitting right there for you to take out. Sometimes the Scorpion tank will have a gunner, if it does make sure to take out the gunner before the driver. If for some reason the hatch doesn't pop off the tank when you shoot it, then just shoot the tank's body about six times in a row and it will blow up. A warthog takes about six shots from the sniper rifle as well as just about all the other vehicles. So the sniper rifle is great for close quarter combat (if you are a beast noob slayer) and a good long range weapon, and a good medium range weapon. Disagree with me, but I think that the best combo in halo reach is the D.M.R, (
click here for a D.M.R guide) and the sniper rifle :D. From some of the other halo games the aim assist is very different, from halo reach's aim assist. In my opinion the aim assist is very easy to use as long as you shoot zoomed in with your scope and practice you shooting skills. Now if you see someone across the map, and he doesn't see you, then take your own sweet time taking the shot, because if you shoot him and you miss, then he will know that someone is shooting at him with the sniper rifle, and that he will take cover, and if he takes cover he will probably go after you, because you have the sniper rifle. Now if someone is shooting at you with the sniper rifle, and its close range then just zig zag and jump a lot while shooting him, and then you have your self a snipper rifle. This weapon takes some time to master so, don't be over confident with you sniping skills. Trust me it will get you killed.
there you go that was my improved guide for the sniper rifle. (to see my previous sniper rifle guide just click HERE)
Yes! Just because this is a guide that I already did, it doesn't mean I can't shower you with some wepic halo reach wallpaper!
(EMAIL THEM TO: godsjedi01@gmail.com)
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