Monday, November 22, 2010

halo reach, how to use the sniper rifle

halo reach has a list of power weapons. One of which is the sniper rifle

the sniper rifle in the hands of a good player can be the most power full weapon in this game. This guide will help you turn this weapon into a weapon of mass destruction.
your best off taking your time to shoot, if they don't know your there always take your time, the second they know there being shot at they will find cover as soon as possible, and since they know you have the most power full weapon in the map they will go after you.
In close combat, like when you now some one is about to come around the corner, you should level your cross hair to about were you think there head is going be.
when ever you are sniping always you use your scope if you have the time, trust me it helps a lot.
If you are playing something like team snipers always keep moving and use cover, usually in team snipers you will also have a pistol (follow this link for a full guide on halo reach's pistol: )
thats all the tips I can give you for sniping with out you learning it your self

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