Monday, November 22, 2010

halo reach, how to get a good K.D.R

K.D.R stands for: kill death ratio. K.D.R is were you take all your deaths and minus that much from the kills you got. EXAMPLE: I got a 6 K.D.R so I got 12 kills and 6 deaths.
So now that you know what K.D.R means I can tell you how to get a good K.D.R. If its a team based game then stick with at least one of your other team mates so you are not an easy target, and then you will get a good K.D.R as long as your team mate doesn't suck and betray you also make sure to play smart. Example don't run around in the middle of the map, don't rush some one that you know has the shot gun or rocket, launcher, all those tips will apply to the stuff I talk about in the following.
the best way to get a good K.D.R in free for all is to control high traffic areas and the power weapons so you can grab them as soon as they spawn.
in objective based games you shouldn't worry about your K.D.R to much, but if you do want a good one, I would recommend playing defense and away from the action
there you go those are the tips for getting a good K.D.R

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