Monday, December 6, 2010

halo reach, how to defeat a camper

So this post I am doing is a little different. this is going to be more of a rant about people complaining about campers in halo reach

OK so every body thats played any online game knows what a camper is. Its that person that stays in that one  part of the map the whole game and kills any body that comes close.
And this drives people absolutely crazy. Because they can never seem to get them out of that spot that there camping in. However because this is titled how to defeat a halo reach camper I am going to give you some tips on how to get them.
Let me first say that there isn't any real camping in halo reach because you can get any player out of that spot 
if you play it smart, what I mean by playing smart is not rushing them. If people never rushed a camper than he would never get any kills, and if he never gets any kills then you would never notice him, because he would be that random noob siting in the corner the whole game. Any experienced player in halo reach can defeat a camper, but if you are not really experienced then let me give you some tips on how to rip that campers arm off and give him a suicide penalty. So first off if you get mad or very frustrated take a second to cool down (trust me you play a lot better if your not mad at the game) and second try to out smart him. Mix up how you come at him. If you really look and try there is an insane amount of different paths to take in every halo reach map. If you are playing a team based game make sure to let your team mates know were he is, so they don't fall victim to him, and also if your with a team (and you know he has no power weapons) than have 3 of your guys rush him (trust me most campers won't expect to get rushed).
Once you do get that camper out of hiding, you should be good to go as long as you don't let him have any power weapons, thats what he will look for the second he respawns is a power weapon so make sure you are ready.
Here is the point I was getting at with the whole camping in halo reach. If you got him when he was camping, and then he spawns, kills you, goes back to camping, and continues to kill you, then he is not camping, but he is simply better than you because of the fact that you keep dying to him, but since so many people in halo reach (lets call them...... NOOBS) suck at the game they blame the fact that they are camping on why they keep dying.   camping is a strategy, guess what it works!
if you disagree feel free to leave a comment showing your opinion on the matter. I would be more than happy to get back to. (I will not curse at you if your opinion is different)


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