Sunday, November 21, 2010

halo reach vs modern warfare 2

modern warfare2 vs halo reach. I thought I would do a comparison between these two most played video games of all time, I will not Favorite any one of these game's, so if you came to here me bash one or the other, than you can leave. Any ways now that that is out of the way I can start comparing these two game's 



OK lets take the campaign out of both these games and not even talk about it, lets face it both these games are multi player based. Halo reach has a huge community, despite the huge community match making is way to slow and it gets annoying that it takes a half hour to play 3 games (yes its that bad) but that is one of halo reach's only weak points. There is an insane amount of different game types, ranging from a free for all to objective's or team battles, halo reach is not lacking at all in that aspect. Halo reach has a lot less hackers, the code is almost impossible to break and the weapons that are semi automatic have a cross hair bloom. (to eliminate any rapid fire controllers) I have honestly never found a single over powered weapon or armor ability in this game, its insane how well they balanced this whole game. The maps how ever are only OK because a lot of the maps are remakes from other halo maps, but if you are new to halo that should not bother you or become a problem at all. So over all halo reach scores a 9.5 in its multi player
Now lets look at modern warfare 2's multi player. Modern warfare 2 is the 6th game in the call of duty series, so it has a lot to live up to. First off lets look at the ability of finding games. finding a game in modern   warfare2 is really easy and great, when you go to play the multi player you choose the game type you want to play and then it puts you in a lobby and starts searching for people to play with you, while it is doing that it will search for games that it can put you in right away, while also searching for game lobby's you can join, so that part of multi player is great. As far as game types go, there is some objective games, free for all games, and team battles, but halo reach has many more game types. The weapons in this game are what really kill this game so many of them are really unbalanced, as well as the perks because of that it really takes away from the game play. I have seen people hack in this game and its really bad. (not saying that this happens a lot but it does happen)  This game has a terrible community, there are plenty of boosters in this game, so that really takes away from the multi player experience. So I give modern warfare 2  a 8.5

so there you go thats what I rate these games ( I like them both the same personally)    


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