Thursday, November 25, 2010

halo reach, invasion guide

Here is my guide and my tips for you on invasion. So I am going to start this amusing that you don't know what invasion is, so let me take this time to explain what invasion is (if you know what invasion is and just want to get to all the juicy tips/ guide then skip down past the break in the page)
OK so invasion is a mix of capture the flag and  territories, there are to different sides you can be on, one is offence and one is defense, and you trade off from defense and offence (like in one flag Capture the flag) the offending team is the Elites. The defending  team is the Spartans

there is 3 stages to invasion the 1st one is were the elites try to capture one of two territories, If they fail to capture even one territory before the time runs out then the game is over right then and there. If they succeed in capturing one of the two territories before the time runs out then they move on to stage two. Stage two often has power weapons and vehicles, which you want to control like crazy. Like the first stage there are two territories to capture (usually) and like the first stage if they fail in capturing the one of the two capture points then the game is over right then and there, but if the succeed in capturing one of the two capture points within the time limit then you move into the 3rd and finial stage. In the last stage it is more like capture the flag, there is one flag (called a core in invasion) that you have to grab and take to the extraction point on the map, which is marked like a hill. If the elites fail to bring the core to the extraction point with in the time limit then the Spartans win, If the elites bring the core to the extraction point then elites win.
Sorry about that but I did want that to be as noob friendly as possible. OK no on to some tips on how to play well  8)

So the most importing thing to do is keep in CONSTANT communication with your whole team, lets say you are protecting alpha by yourself, you need to get more people helping you, since there are usually only to capture points there should be four guys at each point (unless alpha or bravo is getting hit really hard). Always make sure to control the power weapons no matter what. pick your load outs carefully, EXAMPLE: if they are getting away with your core you aren't going to want armor lock, you are going to want a load out thats going to get you there really fast, but if your protecting a certain area then you are going to want something like active camo or armor lock.
Here is a complete guide for the armor ability's:
stick with at least one team mate at all times, you never know when you are trying to stop them from putting the core in and at the last second you get hit by a banshee.

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