Wednesday, November 17, 2010

halo reach invasion slayer

invasion slayer is like a regular round of slayer but with a bit of a twist. Here is the twist: Rather than just slaying everybody in sight there are objective markers with capture points around the map, capture one and you get a supply drop. the spawn system is different, you can choose were you spawn (But the selection is limited) and one more twist to invasion slayer is, it is Spartans vs elites
So this is how a game of invasion slayer will play out: first off you spawn as a team, you go get the power weapons, you capture the objective points on the map, (at the beginning supply drop will be stuff like sniper rifles and rocket launchers, if you are playing as an elite it will be stuff like focus rifle and plasma launcher) so near the end of the game the Spartans supply drop will be stuff like warthogs and Scorpion tanks, the Elites will ghosts banshees and wraith's.
STRATEGY, HINTS, TIPS. MY strategy to you is control the objective's on the map and wait at the enemies spawns with power weapons. My hints to you is save your ammo with the rocket launcher remember there is a whole team plus vehicles coming after you so watch it. Tips stay to the edges of the map and stay alert

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