Tuesday, November 23, 2010

halo reach, how to do well in elite slayer

elite slayer is regular slayer accept you are an elite and the weapons are way different
  so the load outs in elite slayer include the following: 1.jet pack-plasma rifle plasma pistol, 2.active camo-needaler plasma pistol, 3.evade-needle rifle and plasma pistol, 4.armor lock-needaler plasma pistol. elite slayer is in a lot of different play lists, such as: team slayer, free for all, and multi team. In elite team slayer your going to want to stick with your team and use the 3rd load out listed above, always use evade if you are being shot at, people act a lot different in elite slayer and tend to bunch up in the middle of the map and kill each other, so what your going to do is throw plasma grenades at the big pile and shoot it with your needle rifle, trust me this works really well. In multi team elite slayer, your going to want to stick to the edges of the map with the 3rd load out and pump every body up with those needles. in free for all you should use the 4th load out listed above and stick to higher grounds so you can take people out by surprise

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